Henrik Kjelins presentation at XXII Annual Pacific Voice Conference (PVC) Krakow, Poland, April 2014.

The advantages of a common accepted terminology among voice teachers

By taking the stand, that the lack of a common accepted terminology among singing teachers presents a major obstacle in the development of singing- and speech techniques, this presentation is intended as a contribution to the voice terminology debate. Many of the terms widely used today have different definitions depending on who are using them, or the definitions are very vague or not there at all. This problem is often ignored, or explained as a cultural necessity caused by the difference between musical genres. But can we not have a clear communication and still keep the diversity in musical genres? The presentation includes examples of what is meant by ‘unclear terminology’, as well as examples from Complete Vocal Institute where a strictly defined terminology makes it possible for teachers to pass on detailed information about a singers technical status, not unlike in a hospitals patient report. Voice professionals meet at conferences like PEVOC. This indicates that we want to learn from each other so we can help singers better. Why then do we accept blurred communication, and how clear can it become?