- Anatomy & Physiology: Illustrations and a comprehensive description of the larynx and how the voice works
- Definition of terms: An extensive glossary with an explanation to each term
- Sound examples: From the CVT Sound Library
- Vocal modes: Descriptions and the sound of Neutral, Curbing, Overdrive and Edge, including the transitions between the modes
- Effects: Description and sound of Distortion. Other effects such as Grunt, Growl, Creaking, Rattle, Scream etc. will follow
- Laryngeal recognition: Descriptions and illustrations to identify the modes and effects by the laryngeal gestures
- Laryngograph waveform recognition: Descriptions and illustrations to identify the modes and effects by the Laryngograph waveform
- Endoscopy and high speed videos: Endoscopy and high speed videos from our research. Many videos including new footage.
- Extensive data: Since CVT has access to numerous very skilled singers, there is a substantial amount of data on each subject.
- Test results: Presentation of test results from various studies
- Papers and proceedings: CVT-related papers and others writings.
- List of Conferences & Abstracts: List of all the presentations, workshops and abstracts on CVT-related subjects which has been presented at conferences since 1996.
- This and much more: We will continue to develop the CVT Research Site on a regular basis in the years to come.