The CVT Research Site is free of charge as the aim for the site is to make the data and research findings easily accessible for everyone.
Extensive consistent data
We are fortunate because we have access to a large amount of highly-skilled singers and therefore it has been possible for us to collect a substantial amount of consistent recordings.
Because all the singers know the technique, we could ask all of them to perform all parts of the techniques. This has resulted in a significant amount of recorded data which includes singers singing different vocal modes, making audible and inaudible transitions between the modes, singing in different sound colours, adding effects and combinations of effects.
Since we all have the same terminology (speak the same technical language) we are able to instruct the singers so they could produce the desired sound samples very precisely.
We are very grateful to Olympus and Laryngograph for their continued and generous support in our research studies. They have loaned us their state of the art laryngeal endoscopic and recording equipment on more two occasions which has allowed us to study the singers.
Special thanks must go to all the singers who volunteered so enthusiastically for the studies and allowed themselves to be examined and tested for up to an hour at a time! Without their tolerance, endurance and curiosity we would not have any data to analyse! We are also grateful to Julian McGlashan and Queens Medical Centre University Hospital in Nottingham for the loan of their Laryngologist and additional high-tech equipment which allowed us to take the synchronised Laryngograph and endoscopic images which can be seen on this research site.
Not everyone has access to all these fantastic singers, all this expensive equipment and all the expertise/know-how that we have. So we think that if we share our findings and data more singers, teachers, voice professionals and researchers will have the possibility to study the voice from a new and illuminative research angle.
Easy to Access
Today much of the knowledge obtained from research is hard to access. It is published in special journals and can often only be accessed if you pay for it. It is often only the selected few that are aware of its existence. Even if you get access to it, it is often written in such a complicated language that makes it hard to follow by ‘normal’ singers.
Easy to Understand
One of our aims is to make this sometimes very difficult technical data and knowledge accessible for everyone interested in understanding and wanting to study the singing voice. We will strive to write our articles in an easy to follow and comprehensive way so it doesn’t require special education to understand it.
Collaborating and sharing
We believe that when we collaborate, share and exchange our knowledge we all become wiser. We believe that by giving access to the data and info, everyone can study the data and decide for themselves. And we are happy to discuss and welcome feedback on our work and the website. Many brains work better than a few, and knowing what goes on anatomically, physiologically, acoustically, scientifically will all make us better voice professionals. In the end all shared knowledge and shared experiences will benefit the singers.
Get access to the original data files
One of our aims is to allow access to the original data files so that others can benefit from them and use them for their own research. Once we have completed our studies we would be very happy to share the original data. Please contact us as we are very happy to collaborate with anyone with a research interest in the singing voice.