BACO 13th (British Academic Conference in Otolanryngology)
Glascow, Scotland, July 2012
‘Management of the singing voice’ Cathrine Sadolin presentation

Management of the singing voice

The technical skills demanded to be a professional singer are constantly raising, and avoiding vocal problems is an issue of greatest importance for anyone who wants to stay in business. The great variety of singing styles are complicating the picture making it harder for singers, singing teachers, speech therapists, ENT doctors etc. to determine what is healthy and what is unhealthy vocal use. Complete Vocal Technique (CVT) is a singing technique method developed to encompass all singing styles and according to CVT all sounds can be produced in a healthy way. Cathrine will give a brief overview of CVT and how it is used to avoid vocal problems, and also demonstrate various very different sounds and explain how they fit into the model.

Cathrine Sadolin is the developer of ‘Complete Vocal Technique’ (CVT). Since the opening of ‘Complete Vocal Institute’ in Copenhagen in 2005, more than 1.000 singers from 28 countries have been attending educations. Today 129 Authorised CVT Teachers are working individually in 15 countries. Cathrines bestselling book is published in 7 languages.

13th British Academic Conference in Otolaryngology (BACO)

4-6 July 2012 at the Scottish Exhibition and Conference Centre, Glasgow